THE NONAME EUROPE/UK Tour 2024 in Support of New Album
Spiky dragon punks from China THE NONAME come to Europe in mid July 2024 with a month tour in support of a new album 'Fortress Besieged'.
The album 'Fortress Besieged', ther third studio, will be released on July 12 via label cooperation Smith & Miller Records, Abbruch Records and Pasidaryk Records. The cherry on the top as an addition to the upcoming album is a special 7-inch vinyl ANTI. This song is a tribute to Joe Strummer quotating his words: "We’re anti-fascist, we’re anti-violence, We're anti-racist and we’re pro-creative. We’re against ignorance!". On some versions of this track you will enjoy vocals of Sucker (Bad Co. Project) and voices from many bands around the world (Acidez, Disturbance, Chaos of Society, Heroes 2 None etc.)
THE NONAME Tour Dates 2024

The frontman of the band Ray made with us an interview about punk in China and upcoming album as well as EP Anti. In this interview he said:
"We have finished the recording of our new album and the next step is to finish the set list for the tour and all the preparations. This will be our second European tour after a 15-year pause since our first one in 2008. We truly hope to see old friends and make new ones.
As long as we, The Noname, are still alive, Chinese punk rock will not die. Let's tell all posers to fuck off!
See you at our gigs and let's have a drink together! For the real punk rock!!!"